Private European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Executive Board Final progress report
The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Executive Board Final progress report document contains a summary of the work delivered by the Executive Board against its remit. The... -
PID architecture for the EOSC Report from the EOSC Executive Board Working Gr...
The Technical Architecture document on Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) describes a high-level view on components and stakeholders relevant inside an architecture for persistent... -
EOSC interoperability framework Report from the EOSC Executive Board Working ...
This document has been developed by the Interoperability Task Force of the EOSC Executive Board FAIR Working Group, with participation from the Architecture WG. Achieving... -
Ownership and evolution of RoP from 2021 onwards Report from the EOSC Executi...
The Rules of Participation (RoP) for the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) underpin the policies, processes and procedures required to provide assurance of openness, quality... -
EOSC rules of participation
The Rules of Participation (RoP) for the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) state the standards and conduct required of EOSC participants. EOSC participants agree to adhere to... -
A Persistent Identifier (PID) policy for the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)
This policy was authored by representatives of the EOSC FAIR Working Group and EOSC Architecture Working Group. This Persistent Identifier (PID) policy is written for senior... -
Six Recommendations for implementation of FAIR practice by the FAIR in practi...
This report analyses the state of FAIR practices within diverse research communities and FAIR-related policies in different countries and offers six practical recommendations... -
EOSC architecture working group view on the minimum viable EOSC Report from t...
This document has been developed by the Architecture Working Group of the EOSC Executive Architecture Working Group (EAWG). In December 2019 the Sustainability WG (ESWG)... -
European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) work plan 2020
The coordination of investments and other relevant activities to implement and govern the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is a multi-year undertaking which is being... -
Recommendations on certifying services required to enable FAIR within EOSC
The Recommendations on certifying services required to enable FAIR within EOSC document contains an analysis of activities relevant to certification of the services required... -
Recommendations on FAIR metrics for EOSC
The Recommendations on FAIR Metrics for EOSC document contains an analysis of activities relevant to the definition of FAIR Metrics in the EOSC context. It makes... -
Digital skills for FAIR and Open Science Report from the EOSC Executive Board...
Digital skills for FAIR and open science are a cornerstone of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)’s operations and future. An EOSC network of skilled professionals is...